Location of Kelly Tree Farm

GPS Coordinates--N4155174  W09103362

or 41.919599 N 91.056025 W

Kelly Tree Farm is located at 191 Quincy Av. Clarence, IA - CAUTION - GPS Street address can take you a extra mile North.

Clarence is located in East Central Iowa on US Highway 30, from the East edge of Clarence turn North on blacktop road called Oxford Jct Rd (X64 Over the Railroad tracks), go 1 mile then take another left on Quincy Ave. stay on Quincy and go 1 more mile then take a left in to our Drive Way. Here is a map to make it easier.

Kelly Tree Farm, 191 Quincy Ave. Clarence IA 52216 - PH: 563-452-4300 - ktf@netins.net