The ninebark is a rounded medium sized shrub. It is commonly about 8 ft tall and wide but can get larger if sufficient room is given for growth. It is native to the eastern 1/2 of the U.S. and grows in hardiness zones of 3-7. It has a small flower in the spring and very small seeds in the fall. It grows quite fast and lives a long time and still looking good during this time.
The Ninebark has a peeling habit on the stems of this plant and is easy to tell at any time of the year. It grows well in most soils except for the very wet. Heavy snow and ice can break the stems.
Bloom of Ninebark
We like the Ninebark for its use in windbreaks and shelterbelts. With its fast growth, long life, and not spreading where they are not wanted, they work very well. We recommend a planting distance 8-10 ft between plants for best growth and survival, and 20 ft from evergreens in the windbreak.
Seed pods on Ninebark, favorite food of small birds.
Kelly Tree Farm, 191 Quincy Ave. Clarence IA 52216 - PH: 563-452-4300 -