Windbreak with Techny Arborvitae.

Windbreak with Techny Arborvitae.


It is spring 2025, time to get your windbreak trees planted. Earlier is better to give the trees more time to get roots established before the summer heat sets in.

Once the grass greens up is a good time to put on our recommended herbicide for the summer, see video. This will make your trees grow 50% faster if they do not have to compete for moisture and nutrients from other vegetation. We do not recommend mulch as we have seen no advantage to using it and have done research on this for many years.

Do NOT apply any other kind of lawn or other herbicide within 20 feet your trees. We keep seeing many windbreaks destroyed by lawn herbicides and other chemicals such as Tordon and Garlon, do NOT do this. If you have volunteer trees growing in your windbreak, spring and summer is NOT the time to remove them, do this in the fall, see below.

If you have any other questing’s on windbreaks feel free to contact us as we have been planting them for over 50 years.

Volunteer trees can destroy your windbreak. Here is mulberry tree is growing close to the evergreen and needs to be removed ASAP. Remove volunteer trees between Oct 1st and Dec. 15th for best results. Use only Roundup/glyphosate on stumps and NEVER use Tordon or any other chemicals under or around your trees.

Questions concerning any issues or design with windbreaks drop us an E-mail with pictures and address and we will give you our best thought on your situation.

To order trees phone or click on the information below.

To order trees go to Kelly Tree Farm website.

PH: 563-432-6257  or   E-mail

Kelly Tree Farm - 279 Delta Av. Mechanicsville, Iowa 52306

2025 Catalogs are available, View here or call and we will send you one.

A good way to reach us anytime of year is to E-mail us.  You can phone us or leave a message anytime.

Thank You

Techny Arborvitae - Best for outside row, look great all year around. We have lots of potted/bare root available this year.

Techny Arborvitae - Best for outside row, look great all year around. We have lots of potted/bare root available this year.

80+ year old Norway Spruce, Best large windbreak tree, very strong and live a long time. We always suggest using this tree in any windbreak.

80+ year old Norway Spruce, Best large windbreak tree, very strong and live a long time. We always suggest using this tree in any windbreak.

Above is just a few of our 40,000 potted evergreen and deciduous trees/shrubs we have available this year.

Above is just a few of our 40,000 potted evergreen and deciduous trees/shrubs we have available this year.

Take time to view our video on planting your windbreak, You’re Sure to learn Something new!

If you have not read our very popular section to the left on common "Tree Planting mistakes", please do so as this covers most problems we have with windbreaks. Fall is the time for extensive damage from deer rubbing, to prevent damage we use year around this web site:

Ryan Reed Hog Farm.jpg

Picture is a hog farm with austrees and evergreens surrounding there facility.


See below for a cost estimate for a windbreak


What is a windbreakologist™?

A person who specializes in the layout, plants used, and long life design to break, block or divert the wind to any given area.

 Services we provide as a windbreakologist™:

 Over 45 years of experience in all aspects of windbreaks

 Best placement of plants to block winds at any time of the year, including Derechos.

 Annual rainfall and temperatures in your area of the windbreak.

 Soil types and conditions in the area of your windbreak.

Govt. cost share programs available to help pay for your windbreak.

 Proper trees and shrubs that will do well in your area, and have a long life.

 Proper spacing of trees and shrubs to provide a long lasting windbreak.

 Proper herbicides that can be used around windbreak trees and shrubs.

 Control measures of unwanted animals and insects in your windbreak

 Control measures of volunteer/unwanted trees and shrubs in your windbreak.

 Reduction of odors by proper placement of trees and shrubs

 Control of blowing snow into an area where you do not want it.

 Trees/shrubs, delivery and planting of windbreaks in the Midwest—USA

 UPS shipping of bare root trees and shrubs for windbreaks throughout the USA.


 Survive, Thrive, Stay Alive is our motto with windbreak trees.

Survive the planting, with minimum care
Grow well "
Thrive" after planting
Stay Alive with a long life.

Over 90% of the windbreaks designed and installed are done incorrectly using the wrong species or spacing.

Have your windbreak designed or if you have a plan from someone else, checked by a windbreakologist™

We can design your windbreak, provide the trees, plant and advise you on how to care for them.

We specialize in Windbreaks.

Kevin Kelly--Windbreakologist

 PH: 563-432-6257---9AM-5PM--Monday-Friday and Saturday from 8AM to 4 PM

  OR  for questions on windbreaks. 

If you want to stop by always call us first to be sure we are here and not out looking at a project.


In Iowa we have two different cost share programs to help pay for your windbreak.  One is the REAP state program, available to sign up at the NRCS office in your county.  Maximum amount available is $1600.00 per windbreak.

In all states is the CRP potted shelterbelt program which will pay up to $3200.00  for your new windbreak.  Both programs shown above are available at the Farm Service Agency in your county, look under US Government in the phone book to see where they are located at.

 With or without cost share programs, a windbreak is not an expensive  project and will pay you back for the next 100 years, plus no additional property tax on windbreaks.



Brad and Patty Manuel from Olin, IA with their state award from the Iowa Soil and Water Districts for Best Windbreak in the state of Iowa. We planned, provided and planted the trees for this windbreak.

Ryan and Lana Reed from Ottumwa, Iowa on their 2012 Pork Industry Environmental Stewards award. We helped with the design and provided the trees for this project. Ryan and Lana did all the planting and weed control. Read the story and see the video …

Ryan and Lana Reed from Ottumwa, Iowa on their Pork Industry Environmental Stewards award. We helped with the design and provided the trees for this project. Ryan and Lana did all the planting and weed control. Read the story and see the video on our Livestock Buildings page.


Growing up in the windswept plains of Iowa I saw the effects of wind and how a row or several rows of trees completely changed the environment that we lived in, especially in the winter, but also at other times of the year.

We have been growing and planting windbreaks in the Midwest for over 40 years and believe we have the knowledge to provide you with the best windbreak trees that will survive in your area.

Many times people will sell any kind of evergreen and call it a windbreak, but after a few years the tree does poorly or does not survive at all.

We are here to provide you with the knowledge that comes with over 40 years of work in this area, when you are ready to plant a windbreak, we are here to help you get it done and done right.


  1. To protect the people and animals from cold winter winds by reducing wind velocities by-up-to 90%.

  2. Prevent large amounts of snow from drifting by catching it inside and directly behind the windbreak and melting it slowly as it soaks into the ground and does not run off.

  3. Reduces the costs of heating and cooling your home by 25% or more by reducing wind velocity.

  4. Protect the home, business, or farm buildings from windstorms that can come at any time of the year.

  5. Reduce traffic dust and other noises from nearby roads and fields.

  6. Reduce the effects of hot drying summer winds, the trees act like air conditioners as they transpire and have a cooling effect on the immediate area.

  7. Provides a better working and living condition with more productivity for persons inside the windbreak as a result of reduced winter winds.

  8. Will attract game and songbirds and other wildlife all times of the year, especially in the winter.

  9. Will help beautify the overall landscape around the area and make it a better place to work and play along with an increase in the total value of the windbreak protected area.

  10. Protects growing plants and trees by lowering evaporation rates resulting in an increase in growth and plant quality.

Proper design of your windbreak must be carefully considered. Negative effects of poorly placed or improper trees can be eliminated by proper forethought. They must be able to withstand extreme cold, strong winds, poor soils and periods of drought. Not many trees are able to grow well under these conditions, so we encourage you to contact us, for our experience in this field is extensive and we do serve the entire United States.


Wind chill temperature is defined as that temperature in calm air which provides the same chilling effect on a person as that for a particular combination of temperature and wind. The chart below allows you to estimate the wind chill temperature for a variety of temperature and wind speeds. For example, if the temperature is 10° F and wind speed 25 MPH do the following: 1) find 10° F on the top row, 2) read down to the row with 25 MPH, and 3) read the number in the intersection. In this example, the figure is -11° F.


As the old saying goes its not the cold, it's the wind that effects us the most. The reduction of wind velocity makes living for ourselves, our animals and anything else, inside this protected area a much more pleasant experience.
